Texture Life
Economical, quality sizing product that helps restore the original look and feel while resulting in a professional finish.
Quality Liquid Sizing for Exxon’s Chemical’s Dry Cleaning Fluid 2000 (and Other Petroleum Systems).
Imparts New Body To Limp Garments.
In the Cleaning Machine
Maintain level of ½ to 1 ½ gallons of “Texture Life 2000” for each 100 gallons of solvent to give the amount of body and shape retention desired.
Charge Systems
Initially add “Texture Life 2000” at desired level to charge solvent in machine.
Add “Texture Life 2000 in the same ratio when new, distilled, or reclaimed solvent is added to the work tank.
Injection Systems
Initially charge work tank as above. Maintain desired level by Injection ½ to 2 ounces “Texture Life 2000” into the final bath for each 10 pounds of garments in load.
Separate Sizing Bath or Dip Tank Method
Charge and maintain 1 ½ to 3 ounces of “Texture Life 2000´for each gallon of solvent in sizing tank (or dip tank). After garments have been cleaned and extracted; sizing bath-bring up solvent from sizing tank to cover garments, run on batch 5 minutes, drain and extract back to sizing tank, dry and finish as usual.
Dip tank- immerse garments in dip tank for at least 5 minutes with occasional agitation.
Drain and transfer to machine for extraction.
Dry and finish as usual.