Wet-side Neutral Lubricant
Neutral wet-side spotting agent that can be used with protein and tannin spotters to help break down the surface tension of the fibers.
Can also be used to remove redeposition on garments.
Level with Easy Out to prevent circles and rings when drycleaning.
Wet Stain with Tergit
Work gently with spatula or spotting brush.
Flush with water or wet steam. If stain remains, apply Tergit again, then specialized stain remover* (Protein Spotter, Ban-Tan, bleach, etc.), work and flush.
Feather with steam from the outside edges, working to the center or air dry and rerun
Soaking Solutions
For the removal of redeposition, soak washable garments in a solution of 2-3 oz. TERGIT per gallon of water for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse well and dry. For cleaning fugitive dyes, add 2-3 oz. Ammonia (red dyes) or Acetic Acid (blue, green dyes) per gallon to the above formula. *May require several hours of soaking.