Ink Out
Ink Out is the spotting product of choice for the general removal of most ink, and many crayon, grease, tar & oily type stains.
It has direct application on the spotting board, allowing for minimal product usage, and the ability to remove stains without costly and timeconsuming re-cleaning.
For Fabrics
1. Before spotting unfamiliar material always test a seam inside of the garment for colorfastness of the dye.
2. Apply Ink Out sparingly, directly on the stain and tamp with brush or work lightly with bone scraper until stain is dispensed.
(It may be helpful to place a piece of terry behind the garment being treated to soak up any fugitive ink.)
3. Rinse through using cold water (use distilled water if material is type that will water spot and vacuum the garment.
4. To protect color and prevent setting stain, do not rinse with steam. If stain is completely removed, you may feather dry with air gun.
5. If stain is not completely removed or slow to disperse, repeat above process before using air gun to dry.
6. For heavy deposits of ink, apply INK OUT liberally and absorb with blotter or Turkish towel to prevent ink from spreading while working with brush or bone scraper.