GELATONE® Fabric Finish
A water-soluble fabric finish that leaves a lasting impression
GELATONE Fabric Finish is necessary for certain fabrics to restore their original crispness and freshness. GELATONE Fabric Finish is a water-soluble fabric finish for professional application to drycleaned, wetcleaned and laundered fabrics. It is particularly effective in restoring the original look-and-feel to hard-to-finish fabrics such as wool, cotton, linen, ramie, silk and rayon. GELATONE provides superb finishing results on wetcleaned suits and other tailored items that will set you apart from the competition.
Customers notice detail, and when the look and feel of their garments is improved, you can be sure they will appreciate it.
GELATONE Fabric Finish can be used in multiple applications including hand washing, top-loading (home-style) machines, front-loading (high-efficiency) machines and professional laundry and wetcleaning machines. It can also be applied using a spray method.
GELATONE is designed to work together with Street’s H2PRO® wetcleaning line for optimal cleaning and finishing results.
Adds Noticable Body
GELATONE Fabric Finish restores the crisp, fresh look to fabrics and makes them feel and look like new.
Versatile & Easy Application
High quality, professional results can be achieved in a variety of ways. GELATONE Fabric Finish mixes easily with water and remains stable in solution. Professional spray tank systems can provide an easy, uniform application. GELATONE Fabric Finish may also be applied using the immersion method, in top-load washers, front-load washers, or professional laundry or wetcleaning machines.
Helps Garments Resist Wrinkling
GELATONE Fabric Finish helps protect garments from wrinkling after they leave your plant. Garments treated with GELATONE Fabric Finish will resist wrinkling due to handling, crowding on racks, transporting, or hanging in your customer’s closet.
Safe & Effective for all Fabrics
GELATONE Fabric Finish is transparent, so it will not discolor garments; they will stay true and bright. And it is safe for all fabrics – synthetics, naturals, or blends.
Helps Lower Finishing Costs
Pressing is faster, making it less time consuming to restore the original look to garments treated with GELATONE Fabric Finish.