Buff™ is a drycleaning solvent treatment additive designed to combat the adverse effects of free fatty acid formation in the drycleaning system. BUFF™ also helps buffer solvent that has become “destabilized”/acidic through the distillation process and provides significant anti-static capabilities.
Buteric and valeric short chain fatty acids accumulate in solvent systems through the
drycleaning process and in the presence of moisture, often cause mal odors, swails, and/or
poor cleaning results.
BUFF™ is a concentrated powder additive that has the ability to buffer these fatty acids and
“sweeten” perchlorethylene and hydrocarbon solvent systems providing the following
- Static electricity reduction
- Reduced linting
- Buffers system pH to reduce machine and system corrosion
- Deodorizes solvent
- Does not adversely affect filter pressure
BUFF™ is used as received on a once-daily basis at the rate of approximately 3 oz. per 50
lbs. of drycleaning machine capacity. More or less may be appropriate dependent upon
solvent condition, garment tonnage, and free fatty acid buildup.