BRITE-LIFE is a modern, unique and versatile drycleaning detergent which may be used in hydrocarbon or perchloroethylene solvents. Some components of this formulation are attracted to the fabric and some remain in the solvent. Because of this, it may be used in an injection system or as a charge.
BRITE-LIFE provides excellent insoluble and water soluble soil removal, superior redeposition control and produces bright whites and colors. It operates well with any type of filtration system and provides static and lint control. Garments cleaned in BRITE-LIFE have a soft, pleasing hand and are easy to finish.
BRITE-LIFE may be injected on each load in a high distillation system at the rate of 1 to 2 oz. per 10 pounds being cleaned. A charged system is not recommended.
Physcial Characteristics
APPEARANCE: Clear, bright, light amber liquid
ODOR: Somewhat soapy
SOLUBILITY: Clearly soluble in both perchloroethylene and petroleum solvents. Will emulsify with water.
FLASH POINT: Above 144ºF (62ºC) TCC
DENSITY: 7.10 lbs. per gallon